Privacy Policy of Uniview Technologies

Version: 1.7

Last updated on March 13, 2024

Zhejiang Uniview Technologies Co., Ltd. (referred to as Uniview Technologies, Uniview, we, or us hereafter) is a global provider of AIoT products, solutions and full-stack capabilities, a leader with the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and cloud computing technologies as the core, providing global users with network camera products, display control products, smart equipment products, storage and computing products, smart lock products, and management platform products for application to smart cities, transportation, Internet of Things and other fields. Uniview is committed to building a better world by providing professional, reliable and cutting-edge products and services.

Uniview is committed to protecting your personal information and privacy and maintaining your trust with us. We abide by the following principles to protect your personal information: integrity, consent, clear purpose, restricted collection, minimum necessary, transparency, balanced rights with responsibility, security, and privacy compliance.

This privacy policy is intended to help you understand: 1) your personal information that we collect; 2) how we collect your personal information; 3) how we use your personal information; 4) how we protect your personal information and your rights; 5) answers to your questions and how to contact us. Understanding these contents is essential for you to exercise your personal rights and protect your personal information. Please read through this policy carefully before you use or accept our products or services. Please be aware, this policy is not applicable to situations where your personal information is collected by other third parties.

This policy contains the following sections:

(1) Definition of personal information
(2) How we collect and use your personal information
(3) Sharing, transfer and disclosure of personal information
(4) Information storage and protection
(5) Your rights
(6) Third-party services
(7) Auto-launch and launch third-party app
(8) Privacy of minors
(9) Contact us
(10) Revisions to the privacy policy

(1) Definitions of personal information and non-personal information

The definition of personal information shall be defined by your local laws.

Non-personal information refers to data other than personal information that cannot be directly linked to any specific individual, such as occupation, language, zip code, area code, serial number, URL, and automatically recorded browse data, product and unique product identifier of your mobile device, video contents without personal information, country/region and time zone of the connected product, geographical location, identifier of mobile network operator, device software platform, and hardware information, etc.

(2) How we collect and use your personal information

According to the Provisions on the Scope of Necessary Personal Information Required for Common Types of Mobile Internet Applications, the UNV-Link app falls into the Practical tools category, the basic functional services are smart home assistant, and the necessary personal information required are account information, monitoring device information (such as device serial number, device IP, device port information, etc.).

  1. Sign up for a Uniview (or UNV-Link) account
    1. When you sign up for a Uniview account, you need to provide your password, mobile phone number (or email address if outside China), and verification code. The above information is collected to meet the online real-name registration system requirements of relevant laws and regulations in various regions. You can provide non-essential personal information such as username according to your own needs.
    2. If you only need to use the browsing service, you do not need to sign up for an account and provide the above information.
  2. When you log in to our app for the first time, we will collect the following personal information of you and take appropriate control measures:
    Information collected
    Control method
    Model of your mobile phone
    For first-time use, a pop-up window will appear to notify you. When the collection method, collection contents or collection purpose are changed, we will notify you of the changes and ask for your permission.
    To determine the push service
    Operating system type and version of mobile phone

  3. Permission description

    When you use our app, we will need you to authorize us certain permissions in your mobile phone. If you refuse such permissions, you will be unable to use the relevant functions, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions of the app. For information about permissions that we ask for, refer to the table below. Please note that we ask for the permissions only when you use the relevant functions. You can turn off the permissions at any time in the system settings of your mobile phone. Once the permissions are turned off, we will stop using these permissions.

    a. Sensitive Permissions
    Application scenario
    ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION access precise location Add Wi-Fi device; Initialize JPush service Obtain Wi-Fi information to connect device to network; network connection request from JPush server to ensure stable and continuous JPush service
    CAMERA camera Read QR code to add device, retrieve device password; face import function Use camera to read QR code to obtain device information to add device or retrieve password; import face information to device
    RECORD_AUDIO microphone Device audio intercom and doorbell intercom; access control device video call; set custom alarm sound Two-way audio between user and device; answer video call from access control devices; record custom alarm sound as an alarm-triggered action
    READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE read external storage Read QR code to add device, retrieve device password; face import function Used to scan QR code in album to add device or import face information into device
    WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE write to external storage Import snapshots or videos into system album Download snapshots or videos to system album
    b. Common Permissions
    Application scenario
    ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE obtain network status When app is running Used to obtain network status information to improve video communication efficiency
    ACCESS_WIFI_STATE obtain Wi-Fi information When app is running Used to obtain network status information to improve video communication efficiency
    INTERNET connect to network When app is running For Internet connection using SIM card
    CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE edit network status When app is running Update device status after network changes
    CHANGE_WIFI_STATE change Wi-Fi status When app is running Update device status after network changes
    RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED automatic startup at system boot When app is running Used for Android persistent connection
    SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW display on top of other apps When a dialog box opens Request for floating box permission to pop up a dialog box in the system
    READ_PHONE_STATE read mobile phone status and identity When using the push service User obtains mobile phone’s device feature code information
    VIBRATE control device vibration When using the push service Used for vibration reminder when the mobile phone receives a notification message from push service such as Mi Push
    DISABLE_KEYGUARD allow app to disable keyboard guard when it is not safe When on-screen keyboard is opened Allow app to disable keyboard lock
    WAKE_LOCK prevent mobile phone from going into sleep status When video is playing Used for video playing to prevent mobile phone screen from going to sleep
    FLASHLIGHT control flashlight When scanning QR code Control flashlight to scan QR code to connect smart device in low-light environment
    MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS change audio settings Device audio intercom or doorbell intercom Used for audio settings when having two-way audio with device or doorbell
    BATTERY_STATS When app is running Used for data processing before shutdown due to low battery
    MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS When saving or reading video tutorial or configuration file Permission to read files in SD card
    C2D_MESSAGE When initializing the push service Used to receive notification messages
    RECEIVE_USER_PRESENT When initializing the push service Used to wake up the screen or unblock radio when receiving alarm notifications
    DOWNLOAD_WITHOUT_NOTIFICATION Download upgrade file, configuration file or tutorial video Used for file download
    com.coloros.mcs.permission.SEND_MCS_MESSAGE When initializing push service Used for message push service on OPPO mobile phones
    com.heytap.mcs.permission.SEND_MCS_MESSAGE When initializing push service Used for message push service on OPPO mobile phones
    com.coloros.mcs.permission.RECIEVE_MCS_MESSAGE When initializing push service Used for message push service on OPPO mobile phones
    com.heytap.mcs.permission.RECIEVE_MCS_MESSAGE When initializing push service Used for message push service on OPPO mobile phones
    USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT When initializing push service Full screen notification, click doorbell notification in background
    PROCESS_PUSH_MSG When initializing push service Used for message push service on Huawei mobile phones
    MIPUSH_RECEIVE When initializing push service Used for message push service on Xiaomi mobile phones
    JPUSH_MESSAGE When initializing push service Used for the JPush message push service
    BLUETOOTH connect to bluetooth device When app is running Used to connect to a paired Bluetooth device and achieve audio adaptation to the Bluetooth device
    BLUETOOTH_ADMIN discover and pair bluetooth device When app is running Used to discover and pair Bluetooth devices and provide audio to the Bluetooth devices
    SENSOR_SERVICE light sensor; accelerometer sensor 1.When scanning QR code
    2.When using the shake function
    1.Used to prompt user to turn on flashlight when scanning QR code in low-light environment
    2.Used to obtain the shake status and open the advertising app
    NOTIFICATION_SERVICE notification service When using notification service Used to display or clear notifications in the bar
    WINDOW_SERVICE window service When obtaining window size Used to fit the window size in the app screen
    INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE soft keyboard When using soft keyboard Used to display soft keyboard when entering mobile phone number, username, password, etc.
    POWER_SERVICE power status When local video is playing Used to wake up the screen when local video is playing
    CLIPBOARD_SERVICE clipboard service When using attendance service Used to copy URL when exporting attendance reports
  4. Video information

    Required personal information, non-essential personal information

    When you use our service to save video related contents, such as video clips, live video streams, images (user contents), message notifications, etc., we will collect video images captured by your camera and push video images to you so you can save the contents that you need. Such information is necessary for the function. If you refuse to provide such information, you will not be able to save the contents you need.

  5. Message push
    1. Required personal information, non-essential personal information

      When you use the message notification function, we need to collect the unique feature value of your client (such as the unique value generated based on your device's IMEI or UDID) and the language of your mobile phone. The purpose is to provide precise alarm message notification in the language you prefer.
      Such information is necessary for the function. If you refuse to provide such information, you will not be able to use the alarm subscription function, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions. You can choose to turn off the function and clear information about the unique feature value of your client.

    2. Sensitive permissions invoked

      Off-site push requires the push permission in your device.

    3. Third-party SDK used

      When you use the push function, JPush needs to collect the above device information and mobile phone language to realize the push function in your mobile phone (depending on the device manufacturer, the SDK may integrate Huawei Push Kit, Mi Push, OPPO Push, Vpush, and JPush).

  6. Device adding
    1. Required personal information, non-essential personal information

      When you use device adding functions, we may need to collect the serial number, register code, password, model, MAC address of your device, and Wi-Fi information(read Wi-Fi's BSSID) of your client. The purpose is to configure network on your device and bind your device. Such information is necessary for the function. If you refuse to provide such information, you will not be able to add your device.

    2. Sensitive permissions invoked

      When you scan the QR code to add a device, we need the permission to access your camera.

  7. Connecting device to cloud

    Required personal information, non-essential personal information

    When you use our device connection service, to ensure your normal use of our service, we will collect information including the model, UDID, IP address, MAC address, software version, network connection method and type, latitude and longitude (if applicable), and operation records of your device. Such information is necessary for the service. If you refuse to provide such information, you may not be able to connect your device to cloud.

  8. Live view

    Required personal information, non-essential personal information

    When you use the live view function, we will collect the serial number, IP address, port number, and video stream information of your device in order to provide you with live streams of your device. Such information is necessary for the function. If you refuse to provide such information, you will not be able to use the live view function, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions.

  9. Cloud storage

    Required personal information, non-essential personal information

    The cloud storage service is free or prepaid. It does not support return, exchange or account change after purchase. The service is only for lawful and legitimate purposes, and you should ensure that you do not use the service for any illegal or infringing activities, and assume full responsibility independently and completely for the purchase and use of the service.

    When you use the cloud storage function, we may need to collect the device serial number, cloud storage order information, and video stream information. The purpose is to save the video of your device to the cloud. Such information is necessary for the function. If you refuse to provide such information, you will not be able to use the cloud storage function, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions.

  10. Information that you provide proactively when using our service

    Required personal information, non-essential personal information

    When you use analysis, comparison functions and alarm service based on user benchmark information (including face/human body recognition, license plate/vehicle recognition, attendance management, fingerprint unlocking, if applicable to your device), you need to enter the benchmark information such as face images, license plate information, attendance personnel information, fingerprints into the system in advance. Such information is necessary for the service. If you refuse to provide such information, you will not be able to use the relevant analysis, comparison functions and alarm service, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions.

  11. Device sharing

    Required personal information, non-essential personal information

    When you use the device sharing function, we need to collect certain information in order to implement the sharing, including the device serial number, your nickname, and the usernames with which you want to share the device. Such information is necessary for the function. If you refuse to provide such information, you will not be able to use the device sharing function, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions. The sharing function is active only when you use it; it is not permanently active.

  12. Customer service

    When you need our support and contact us through email, telephone or our customer support tools, we need to collect information including your name, phone number or email address, enterprise or organization, device usage, device serial number, device account, and SIM card number during the process of communication. The purpose is to verify your product and identity and provide precise service support. If you refuse to provide such information, we will not be able to provide support services to you.

  13. In other possible scenarios, we will also collect your personal information, including but not limited to:
    1. When you communicate with us with telephone, we need to record the conversation as evidence of service and to improve our service ability and quality, so as to continue to provide you with high-quality after-sales service.
    2. In situations where you need to sign a certificate to authorize remote access, we will collect your manual signature or company seal.
    3. If you report a device failure and need to return the device to us for inspection and repair, you need to provide your receiving address. If the returned device contains your private data, you need to back up the data and format the storage before returning the device.
    4. When you enter the test/exhibition area of our products, we may collect your images and/or videos, depending on the products being tested/exhibited. The images and videos will be deleted at the end of the test/exhibition; you can avoid collection of your images/videos by leaving the test/exhibition area.
    5. When you forget your device password and need to regenerate it, you can get a temporary password by scanning the QR code if you bind an email or mobile phone number. If you haven't bound your email or mobile phone number, please call our customer service hotline to get help.
  14. In order to offer better user experience and prevent misoperation, we will collect industry-standard non-personal information (see the definition in Chapter 1). Such information does not infringe on user privacy and user rights. If you have any concerns about the security and privacy settings of your mobile device, please adjust the settings by referring to the documentation of your mobile service provider or mobile device manufacturer. These actions include but are not limited to:
    1. We may record adjustments that you make to your product through the services that we provide, and we will store the collected non-personal information with the information directly collected by the product.
    2. When you use audio recording or media streaming functions of our product, we may record and transmit videos and/or audios from the product, with your permission. This may include taking snapshot images and attaching part of snapshot images and analysis data to email notifications.

(3) Sharing, transfer and disclosure of personal information

  1. Sharing of information

    When we provide you with certain services, we need to share your personal information with authorized partners, carefully selected service providers, or national regulatory agencies, only for legal, justified, necessary, specific, and definitive purposes, and only share the information necessary for us to provide services. The organization that shares your personal information has no right to use the shared personal information for any other purposes irrelevant to our products or services. For companies, organizations, and individuals with whom we share personal information, we will sign strict data protection agreements with them, demanding them to process personal information as per our instructions, this privacy policy, and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.

    1. We need to share your mobile phone number with our SMS service providers to complete account registration for you.
    2. We need to share your mobile phone information, alarm information, etc. with mobile phone manufacturers in order to provide you with the alarm push service.
    3. We need to share your device information and account information with our cloud service provider in order to provide you with the core video surveillance functions.
    4. We need to share your IoT SIM card number with third-party operators in order to provide you with card recharge related services.
    5. You can share your videos, identity information, etc. with specific people, and share your videos, location information, identity information, etc. with unspecified people based on our products and/or services. We bear no legal liability for serious situations such as leakage of your information due to your sharing behavior.
  2. Transfer of information

    We will not transfer your personal information to any other companies, organizations or individuals, except in the following situations:

    1. After obtaining your explicit consent.
    2. When it involves merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, and if it involves the transfer of your personal information, we will demand the new company or organization that holds your personal information to continue to be bound by this personal information protection policy; otherwise, we will demand the company or organization to re-seek authorization and consent from you.
  3. Disclosure of information

    We will disclose your personal information only under the following circumstances:

    1. After obtaining your explicit consent.
    2. Please understand, in accordance with applicable laws, we can disclose your personal information without your consent under the following circumstances:
    3. When it is directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and verdict.
    4. When it is necessary to safeguard significant legitimate rights such as life, property of the personal information subject or other individuals but it is difficult to obtain your consent.
    5. When the personal information collected is disclosed to the public by yourself.
    6. When the personal information is collected from information that has been disclosed lawfully, such as from lawful news reports, government-disclosed information, etc.
    7. When it is necessary for signing a contract according to your requirements.
    8. When it is necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of the provided products or services, such as detecting and handling product or service failures.
    9. When required by applicable laws and regulations and government orders of the country where the business is operated, as well as legal procedures of law enforcement agencies, regulatory agencies, and court of law, or other applicable legal procedures and subpoenas.

(4) Storage and protection of personal information

  1. Storage of personal information

    Unless otherwise explicitly permitted by law or by you, we will retain your personal information only for the length of time required for the purposes bound by this privacy policy. During the period that you use our products or receive our services, we will continuously keep your personal information for you. If you cancel your account or proactively delete your personal information, we will delete or anonymize your personal information within 48 hours after receiving your request, unless otherwise stated in law or agreement.

    The personal data we collect is stored in North America (USA), Europe (Germany), Asia Pacific (Singapore).

  2. Security protection of personal information

    We are committed to safeguarding your information security and have a dedicated team responsible for the research, development and application of a variety of security technologies and programs. We use data encryption and access control mechanisms to establish internal control systems to ensure only the authorized personnel can access your personal information, to publicize security and privacy protection requirements to the related personnel, and to publicize protection measures such as the information security protection system to all the staff. At the same time, we have been granted information security management system certification (ISO27001 international standard), and will regularly hire independent third-party organizations to evaluate our information security management system. Through these rigorous measures, we try our best to protect your information from unauthorized access, use and disclosure. However, please understand that in the Internet industry, due to the limits of current technologies and all kinds of possible malicious attack methods, even if we do everything that we can to strengthen our security measures, it is impossible to guarantee 100% security of information. Please be aware, the systems and communication networks that you use while using our products and/or services may encounter security issues due to factors that are beyond our control.

(5) Your rights

  1. Access your personal information. You can tap Me > My Profile photo or account to access the personal information you provided.
  2. Correct your personal information. You have the right to update your personal information at any time. You can also correct your personal information after finding the information collected and stored by us is incorrect. You can correct or change your username, password, mobile phone number or email address in My Profile by tapping Me > My Profile photo or account.
  3. Delete your personal information. You can delete the personal information online by yourself or contact us ( or 400-655-2828) to delete it for you. We will delete or anonymize your personal information after the minimum retention period required by the applicable laws and regulations.
  4. Revoke authorization. You can disable permissions on your mobile phone as needed (including access to your location, phone, album, camera, microphone, and notification).
    After you withdraw consent or authorization, we may not be able to provide the related services, but it does not affect us handling your personal information based on your previous consent or authorization.
  5. Cancel your account. You can tap Me > My Profile photo or account to cancel your account.
    After you cancel your account, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations, we will stop providing services to you, keep your personal information for the length of time stated in this agreement, and then anonymize your personal information.
  6. If you cannot access, correct, delete your personal information, withdraw consent or cancel your account using the above ways, you can contact us by sending an e-mail to or by calling customer service at 400-655-2828. We will respond within fifteen working days after verifying your identity.

(6) Third-party services

Our products and/or services may be connected to or linked to websites or other services provided by the third party, for example, when you use the share function to share some of your information to third-party services. These functions may collect your information (including your log information) in order to operate properly. We will only share your information for legitimate, necessary, and specific purposes. For third-party service providers with whom we share information, we demand them to fulfill confidentiality obligations and take corresponding security measures.

In order to achieve the purposes stated in this policy, we may connect SDK or other similar applications provided by third-party service providers, and share with them certain information about you that we collect in accordance with this policy, so as to provide better customer service and user experience. At present, the third-party service providers we connect include the following types:

  1. Used for notification push function, including the push function provided by mobile phone manufacturers.
  2. Used for obtaining your device location, collecting device information and log information with your consent.
  3. Used for third-party authorization services to share relevant contents with third-party products, etc.
  4. Used for services related to account security, product reinforcement, including data encryption, data decryption, etc.

Such third-party services are operated by the relevant third party; your using their services or providing information to them are subject to the terms of service/or privacy protection statements of the corresponding third party (not this policy).

For information about third-party services that we are currently using, please refer to the table below.

Third-party SDK
JPush Operator: Shenzhen Hexun Huagu Information Technology Co. Ltd.
Function: Push notifications
Application scenario: Provide notification push service. When you use the push service of the APP, Jpush SDK needs to use the auto-launch function so that you can receive messages (such as alarms) pushed by the app when it is closed or running in the background. At the certain frequency, the app will start automatically or start the third-party app after being wakened by the system.
Scope of collected personal information
Device parameters and system information (device type, device model, system version, and related hardware information), device identifiers (IMEI, IDFA, Android ID, GID, MAC, OAID, VAID, AAID, IMSI, MEID, UAID, SN, ICCID, SIM information), network information (IP address, Wi-Fi information, base station information, DNS address, DNCP address, SSID, BSSID) and location information, app list and active status information (application crash information, notification switch status, app application list and active status, app application page information, app function event related information), push information logs
Purpose of collecting personal information
Device parameters and system information: used to identify user's device type, device model, system version, etc., to ensure accurate message delivery
Device identifier: used to identify user uniquely and ensure accurate delivery of push messages
Network information and location information: used to improve network connection requests from SDK to JPush server to ensure stable and continuous service and realize the push function
App list and active status information: used to save battery and data traffic for user
Required sensitive permissions: storage, location
Privacy policy:
Mi Push Operator: Xiaomi Corporation
Function: Push notifications
Application scenario: Push notifications via the MIUI system to Xiaomi phone users
Scope of collected personal information
Device identifier (OAID, encrypted Android ID), application information (application package name, version number and running status), device information (device manufacturer, device model, device memory, operating system version, Mi push SDK version, home area of device, SIM card operator name, current network type), notification bar settings information, push message content
Purpose of collecting personal information
Device identification, application information: used to push message to your device in a timely manner
App information: Used to push and display messages according to your device and system types 
Privacy policy:
Huawei Push Kit Operator: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Function: Push notifications
Application scenario: Push notifications via the EMUI system to Huawei phone users
Scope of collected personal information
Application information (AppID, SDK version number, application version number and application package name), in-app device identifier (AADI, Push Token), device information (device type, device model, system type, system version, country code) , mobile network information, log information
Purpose of collecting personal information
Used to support push messages and count the success rate of calling Huawei Push SDK APIs 
Privacy policy:
OPPO PUSH Operator: Guangdong HeyTap Technologies Co., Ltd 
Function: Push notifications
Application scenario: Push notifications via the OPPO system to OPPO phone users
Scope of collected personal information
Device information (IMEI or OAID, serial number, IMSI, user ID, Android ID, Google Advertising ID, region settings, device model, battery level, operating system version and language), application information (app package name and version number, running status), push SDK version number, network information (IP or domain name connection result, current network type), message sending result, notification bar status, lock screen status
Purpose of collecting personal information
Push messages that meet technical standards according to your system, device, application information, etc. to your device terminals in a timely manner
Privacy policy:
Vpush Operator: Guangdong Tianchen Technologies Co., Ltd 
Function: Push notifications
Application scenario: Push notifications via the vivo system to Vivo phone users
Scope of collected personal information
Device and app information (operating system version number, app installation list, language in use, system settings), device identifier (such as IMEI, ICCID, EMMCID/UFSID, oaid/vaid/aaid, SN code and IMSI, Android id, mobile country code and mobile network ID of vivo Android devices, etc.), MAC address, mobile network operator, log information, and location information 
Purpose of collecting personal information
Push messages to your device terminal in a timely manner
Privacy policy:
Baidu Speech Synthesis Operator: Beijing Baidu Netcom Science Technology Co., Ltd. 
Function: Text-to-speech conversion
Application scenario: Custom alarm sound for device
Scope of collected personal information:
network status, Wi-Fi status, device model, operating system, permission to read/write external storage.
Privacy policy:
Agora RTC SDK Operator: Shanghai Zhaoyan Network Technology Co., Ltd
Function: Real-time audio and video service
Application scenario: When playing audio and video
Permission access: (Optional) Microphone permission, camera permission, bluetooth permission
Sharing method: SDK native collection
Scope of collected personal information
Device brand, model, operation system, CPU information, memory utilization, battery information, screen resolution, IP address, network access methods and types, use ID in channel, sensor information (orientation sensor)
Purpose of collected personal information: Test access and connectivity of audio, video, network, etc., provide compatibility and troubleshooting for different devices, provide screen adaptation
Privacy policy:
Agora RTM SDK Operator: Shanghai Zhaoyan Network Technology Co., Ltd
Function: Provide real-time messaging
Application scenario: When signaling transmitting audio and video
Sharing method: SDK native collection
Scope of collected personal information
Device brand, model, operation system, memory utilization, IP address, network access method and type, user ID in channel
Purpose of collected personal information: Test access and connectivity of audio, video, network, etc., provide compatibility and troubleshooting for different devices
Privacy policy:

(7) Auto-launch and launch third-party app

  1. The app needs to use the auto-launch function so that you can receive messages (such as alarms) pushed by the app when it is closed or running in the background. At the certain frequency, the app will start automatically or start the third-party app after being wakened by the system.
  2. When you tap an alarm pushed by the app, it will open the app to show alarm details. If you disagree, you will not be able to use this function, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions.
  3. When you tap an advertisement, it will launch the third-party app.

(8) Privacy of minors

We do not provide any of our services to minors under 14 years of age (or equivalent minimum age set by the relevant jurisdiction). If we find any account associated with or registered by a minor under 14 years of age (or equivalent minimum age set by the relevant jurisdiction), we will immediately delete the relevant account information. If we find that we have collected personal information of minors without prior verifiable parental consent, we will try to delete the relevant data as soon as possible.

If you are the parent or guardian of a minor under the age of 14 (or equivalent minimum age set by the relevant jurisdiction), and you believe that your minor has disclosed her/his personal information to us, please contact us immediately through your local Uniview service phone number or e-mail address. Parents or guardians of minors who are under 14 years of age (or equivalent minimum age set by the relevant jurisdiction) can check and ask us delete the minor's personal information and prohibit us from using it. In cases where we collect personal information of minors with the consent of the parents/guardians, we will only use or publicly disclose the information when permitted by law, expressly allowed by the parents or guardians, or when necessary to protect the minors.

(9) Contact us

We have set up a dedicated department to protect your personal information. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding this privacy policy or your personal information, please contact us via the following methods:

We will process your inquiry or request within fifteen working days after verifying your identity.

(10) Revisions to privacy policy

This privacy policy is subject to revisions from time to time, and such revisions shall constitute a part of this privacy policy. When the terms of this policy are changed, we will show you the changed policy in the form of push notifications and pop-up windows when you log in and upgrade the version. Please note that we will collect, use and store your personal information according to the updated policy only after you click the Agree button in the pop-up window.